15 August 2006

Click! Mouse fraud bytes web advertisers

Emma Connors and Mark Jones have written about click fraud in today's Australian Financial Review. Unfortunately the article cannot be viewed online for free. They write that Nielsen/NetRatings is starting research into this issue in Australia. They are going to look at the behaviour of IP addresses, exactly what I said in the same article!

Also quoted is ClickSentinel, which claims that 30% of clicks are fraudulent. I wonder if Shuman Ghosemajumder's team at Google will look into this claim next. :)

1 comment:

double e said...

Try this service if you are having problems with click fraud - ClickProtector - it detects fraud and it is pretty cheap too. It has a way to try and get money back from the Tier 1 and many of the Tier 2 search engines, including Google and Yahoo etc. They have a pretty cool feature wher eyou can make an unblockable popup come up on the screen of the offending clicker. I dunno... works pretty good for my sites!